The Haven

Assisted Living Facilities Charlotte MI

The Haven assisted living community is our newest campus at Hope Landing. This campus was created to provide residents with a comforting, home-like environment. Every aspect of the facility was designed with our residents’ care needs in mind. We are proud to offer The Haven facility as an option to future Hope Landing residents. For more information on The Haven or if you are interested in getting on our waiting list, contact us today at (517) 541-9620.

At both campuses, Hope Landing and The Haven, our goal is to provide exceptional, personalized care and attention to our residents. We want to enable you to “age in place” so that you can stay in your own apartment while your physical needs and care may change over time. We respect and respond to your unique physical, medical, spiritual, and emotional concerns – ensuring that all your needs are met.

We pride ourselves on our team of caring, qualified, and experienced health care professionals. Each staff member takes the values of our organization very seriously – providing care for our residents that is unmatched. We want our residents to feel respected and comfortable during their stay with us at Hope Landing and The Haven.

Our mission is to passionately help our residents’ lead rich fulfilling lives through meaningful relationships and activities.

If you have any questions regarding our newest campus, or if you are interested in securing a spot on our waiting list, contact us today at (517) 541-9620.

There is no way our family can express our gratitude for your compassionate and gentle care you gave our dear mother. She was so comfortable and at home there. When we asked her who her favorite was, she always replied, “Oh, they’re all good kids, and I like them all.” Thank you all for making her last sixteen months as easy and enjoyable for her a… Read more
The family of Maggie Kenny